Email Copy
For nearly 10 years, Condo Hotel Center had been sending out a bi-weekly newsletter, which it called a Property Alert. Each edition would promote a single property, offering a detailed description and multiple photos.
The company had a mailing list of approximately 20,000 prospects who’d opted in over the past few years. Each time it sent out a Property Alert, approximately 20-50 people would request the Data Sheet, revealing that they had more than a passing interest in the property being offered. The challenge was to then get those people to agree to a phone call with a sales person for more information or to arrange an appointment to see the property in person.
The company was disappointed at how many people contacted them after receiving the Data Sheet. It wanted to boost conversions, as even a slight increase could mean the difference between a sale and no sale. With most properties costing upwards of $300,000 and paying 4%-6% commission, every sale represented a substantial potential reward.
Condo Hotel Center contracted real estate copywriter Susan Greene to write a follow-up letter that could be sent to prospects 24 hours after the Data Sheet had been mailed. The company did not want to appear as though it was pestering or pressuring the buyer. They simply wanted to politely remind the customer that even more information was available as well as the opportunity to tour the property.
They also wanted to plant the seed that if this particular property wasn’t right for them, Condo Hotel Center would be glad to help them find one that was a good fit.